Sunday 3 November 2013

Filming Progress 3; Preliminary Task

In the last week, I have produced an almost finished 2 minute long thriller-crime themed film for the preliminary task. All we need to do as a group is agree on whether the film is decent enough to leave aside and move on- as it is after all only to get the grasp of 3 basic techniques in cinematography.

Our film is meant to be a mystery, crime thriller in which a  cold/ dark detective (played by me) is interrogating a suspect who for unknown reasons, kills him off blatantly but by unknown means- the only clue the audience has is this briefcase he has on the desk in the room which he opens just before the suspect falls to the ground dead.

To edit the video, I used Sony Vegas Pro which is similar to using Adobe Premiere except that it includes more ways of personalising visual effects installed on the software, which we may use in the next task.
One of my friends had done a quick draft of the film beforehand which we all liked, and all it needed was some cuts at the beginning to show the Detective enter the Interrogation room. 
To make it better for I personally & hopefully for my friends acceptance, I've added some music pretty much to the whole video except for the majority of the interrogation to present and atmosphere of suspense and focus on the detectives dark voice.  

I used a lot of cutting between shots where the camera view is at a different angle, so that you end up with a smooth professional flow of shots of me (the detective) walking down an corridor.
The cutting technique helped on a key part of my audio where I stammer on a line, so that in this (hopefully) final piece, the dialogue flows as if I didn't make a mistake. I could of also fixed this dialogue problem by using audio from another take which I decided not to. 
I used this function of fading audio in/ out so that the atmosphere made with audio doesn't suddenly fall flat when the audio has finished playing. 
What is also useful on this and any other video editing software is the ability to easily change the volume on particular audio rather than all the audio together, but on this video the audio doesn't seem to be a problem.
There's some shots at the start in the corridor seen where no audio was  accidentally not recorded, but thanks to the mystical/ horror/ thriller- like music, you don't really recognise it as a big fault when watching as the sound is still flowing in the form of music and it can give the sense of isolation the corridor shots give, but now we've sussed out how to make sure the HD cameras are recording.

1 comment:

  1. Matthew, you have done an impressive amount of work already. You're juggling two tasks at the moment - genre analysis research, and practical film-making. Your analysis of Psycho has some useful points, and you need to develop these and demonstrate how you might use this understanding in your own final product. Keep the detail in the film, making section, keep at the analysis work and remember how important it is to demonstrate the links between research and outcome.
