Sunday 20 October 2013

Filming Progress 2; Preliminary Task

We have pretty much drawn to a close the filming phase of our short task, with a final day last week shooting a few takes the whole way through the script without stopping, and too be honest it was probably the best takes we had after all those takes before them e.g. stumbling on lines, incorrect actions etc.

In the recent takes, we've learned from our older takes in how to pick up better audio by moving the mic closer to the actors but out of shot; sounds very simple which it is, after you get it into your head.
So far, our group has produced a first draft edit of the whole piece- which only uses the last few takes given that they were probably the best as said at the top.

In the next week or so, we plan to edit the piece with a mix of group work in lessons and individual tinkering at home- in order to get this part of the coursework over and done with as quickly as possible, and maybe do the final most part of the filming if we are unhappy with our cuts.
Above is a quick draft of the main piece of the video we will finish editing soon by one of my friends, with editing done to the lightning so it appears darker than recorded for the thriller effect, and the appropriate times to switch between 2 cameras.

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