Tuesday 18 March 2014

Thriller Research Evaluation Question 1

1) What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions?

In both tasks, we've used the the concept of dim/ dark lighting very well to fit in with the stressful, eerie environment, as well a very contrasting choice of clothing in Resonance where the assassin (the supposed villain) is in black whilst the seemingly good guys are in white shirts and black ties- a formal businessmen look.

A way we have probably challenged a form in a typical thriller which is to have a character die in the opening titles, which I believe isn't too much of an issue, as how the potential film continues from that is unknown; maybe it focuses on around the character before he dies- we cannot be certain hence why we can get away with this, even if it looks like we've tried to space a whole th
riller film into the space of 2 minutes by killing something from the start.
*UPDATE- We recently re-filmed the opening titles, & made the titles appear before the assassin seemingly runs in to kill the businessman.

We have try developing on the character of the killer by making him not seem cold- blooded, and that there is a sense of morality and reason in this person, such as with the assassin in the titles for Resonance who we originally planned to reveal that the pianist was actually the assassin at the end by having the pianist leave the room with the assassin's hooded gear on the floor. Similar can be said for the detective who is shown walking to the interrogation with some form of emotion/ struggle before he enters the door with a cold sounding persona.

We've challenged the idea of a dark, spooky setting in the main task, as the settings are in bright white stairways and corridors, but keeps the tone of a thriller intact with the briefcase being of the only black objects in the area- hence visually targeted by audience throughout the piece as the enigma. The music I made also hints to a dark atmosphere under all the light in the setting.

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